Our Feb. book order books arrived!! Thank you for the donations!! 🥰👏🏽🎉 📚
almost 3 years ago, Mrs. Baker
SnoWeek Dance- for students grades 7-12. Flyers were sent home with students today.
almost 3 years ago, Myla Buckeye
Hope to see you all there!
Tomorrow, February 4th, we will kick off SnoWeek with color wars and hallway decorations! Tomorrow is also an early dismissal day! School will dismiss and buses will run at 12:30 pm!
almost 3 years ago, Sadie Wulf
Our completed posters! Plus our classroom community banner :)
almost 3 years ago, Stephanie Kunze
Just a few of the things that make us awesome.
we are all an important part of our classroom community
On 2-2-22 1st grade made time capsules they can open on 3-3-33 when they are seniors. Inside is filled with a letter to themselves, some of their favorite things, string the height of themselves, handprint art, and a class picture. I can’t wait to give these back to them in 11 years. ☺️
almost 3 years ago, Heather Burkle
Need flowers for that special someone? Valentines Day flower order forms are just off the presses. Orders are due next week Tuesday.
almost 3 years ago, Corinne Muller
The Junior Class will be selling Candy Grams this year for Valentine's Day. Order forms are going home today with each student and will be due on Thursday February 10th. If you have any questions contact either Ms. Haak, Ms. Mairs or a Junior! Have a wonderful day!!! :)
almost 3 years ago, Paulina Erbele
Logan County Residents- Logan County is updating their Mitigation Plan. A survey is being conducted as part of the planning process. Results from the survey will be used to help identify mitigation strategies in the plan update. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey and share with friends, family, colleagues, neighbors, etc. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/logan_county_mitigation
almost 3 years ago, Sadie Wulf
PK had a fun day celebrating the 100th day of school!! 💯🥰🎉👏🏽
almost 3 years ago, Mrs. Baker
Gackle-Streeter School & buses will start 2 hours late Today, February 1st.
almost 3 years ago, Sadie Wulf
Happy 100th Day of School!
almost 3 years ago, Heather Burkle
Happy 100 days!!
almost 3 years ago, Stephanie Kunze
what a bunch of goofy kinders ❤
WE DID IT!!! The grand total was 250 items!!! Y'all are amazing!!
almost 3 years ago, Stephanie Kunze
woo hoo
🎉🎉🎉TOMORROW is the 100th day of school!!! 🎉🎉🎉 We are still accepting donations for the food pantry! We hope to reach a goal of 200 items!!! Also, students need to bring or wear their 100th day of school shirts!!
almost 3 years ago, Nichole Seigman
Weeks Archery schedule for 1/31 - 2/4 Practice Monday 1/31 3D practice Tuesday 2/1 Shoot Ellendale Bullseye Tournament 2/2 in our gym Shoot Ellendale 3D Tournament 2/3 in our gym
almost 3 years ago, Deb Hatlewick
Ellendale Virtual Bullseye and 3D shoots Bullseye will shoot on 2/2/22 at 3:30 pm 3D will shoot on 2/3/33 at 3:30 pm
almost 3 years ago, Deb Hatlewick
Thank you for the book donations!! Our book order books showed up for Dec & Jan!! 📖 🥰 📚 👏🏽
almost 3 years ago, Mrs. Baker
Senior Spotlight has been so much fun! This is a very special class- we are going to make the most of our last months together!
almost 3 years ago, Myla Buckeye
What awesome role models!!!!
Goth Day
We did it!!! You guys are amazing!!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!! That being said... we still have three days to go!! Let's see if we can hit 200!!! :)
almost 3 years ago, Stephanie Kunze
Woo hoo!!
Congratulations to Anizye on being selected as an alternate for the ND All-State Band. She auditioned earlier this month along with hundreds of other students across the state from class A and B schools for this opportunity to be a part of this elite group of performers. Awesome job!!!
almost 3 years ago, Corinne Muller