Tux Rentals Several have asked if there is anywhere in Jamestown to rent a tux for Prom .. Originals has now started a Tux rental business. Check it out!
Reminder to all 3rd/4th grade parents/guardians:
Informative mini books and president flip books are both due on Friday by the end of the day.
We have been talking about severe weather in science so we made a severe weather survival kit!
ND State NASP Archery Tournament March 22 & 23 Minot All our State Archery Shooters will shoot Bullseye on Saturday March 23 at 12:30 pm. Stay turned for those shooting 3D. Flights will be selected soon
Remember to wear your pajamas on Monday!! 👍
Gackle-Streeter School will start on time tomorrow, February 25th. Buses will run where possible. School will go until 4:00 pm.
Great job today 5th & 6th grade band students at the Young Musicians Festival in Casselton.
The District 6 Boys Basketball tournament has been postponed. NGS will play tomorrow afternoon at 3:00 pm.
Looking for some paper towel cores for a musical instrument project. I have 9 but need 7 more for everyone to make their rainsticks.
4th grade is studying hard for their science test on Monday!
Congratulations Anizye!
Logan County Spelling Bee Champ!
Enjoying my the Dairy production presentation given by the FFA members.
Reminder that tomorrow, February 22nd, and all next week, February 25th through March 1st, will be extended school days. We dismiss students at 4:00 pm and buses will run at that time.
More photos from the dairy production presentation that was presented by FFA members.
Reminder Kinder parents that book folders are due tomorrow! Also if you ordered a snow week shirt I have them in my room and I will give it to your child tomorrow (sorry crazy day :( )if you didnt order one just wear a shade of blue! The shirt is this color:)
We had a great demonstration about dairy production today.
Pre-K had a fun art & science experiment. They made magic fizzing Shamrocks by mixing green paint, baking soda, and vinegar to make a chemical reaction. 🎨 💥🍀
Reminder and Good Luck to Izabel R, Bridger R, Richie N, and William H at the Young Musicians Festival in Casselton on Saturday!
One more tree :)
Tangram machines